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Danieli Zanoni Cypriano

Born in Nova Aliança, São Paulo State countryside, is graduated in Animal Science at the Mato Grosso Federal University. Married with Lucas Cypriano since 19/Sep/2009, worked by years at the meat control quality and of nutritional feed additives.

Nowadays, she is fully dedicated for her passion: cat breeding.

Lucas Cypriano

Born in Louveira, São Paulo State countryside, is graduated in Animal Science at the São Paulo State University (UNESP). Married with Daniel Zanoni Cypriano since 19/sep/2009, worked by years as a swine and poultry nutritionist and at the feed additive market.

Nowadays, he is the Technical Manager of an association (ABRA). At the cattery, helps as much as he can, mainly playing and educating the kittens.

Barbro Åberg

Tutor of Miadore Cattery, Barbro is Swedish and lives in a cozy countryside house at Arboga city with her life partner, Ulf Lindström .

With more then 20 years at the Norwegian Forest Cat Breeding, Barbro is our "guide", our cattery "compass" selecting healthy lines, reliable breeders and kittens with good behavior.

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Danieli Zanoni Cypriano, ME

CNPJ: 35.081.865/0001-60

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